Blaze (2016)

Editeur: Albin Michel (1 janvier 2016)
Pages: 327 pages
Format: ePUB, PDF, Doc, TXT, MP3, KINDLE, FB2
Langue: Français
Descriptions de livres
Colosse au cerveau ramolli par les raclées paternelles, Clay Blaisdell, dit Blaze, enchaîne les casses miteux. Son meilleur pote, George, lui, est un vrai pro, avec un plan d'enfer pour gagner des millions de dollars : kidnapper le dernier né des Gerard, riches à crever. Le seul problème, c'est qu'avant de commettre le « crime du siècle », George s'est fait descendre. Mort. Enfin, peut-être...

Un suspense mené en quatrième vitesse, un vrai roman noir qui rappelle le meilleur Jim Thompson ou James Cain. Un inédit de King/Bachman miraculeusement retrouvé ! Stephen King n'a pas fini de nous surprendre.


This is not one of Stephen King's "blockbusters"; rather it seems to be an earlier work he discovered lying in a drawer years after completing it. This is the sort of book you should read when you just want to relax, and can't be bothered with complicated characters and plots.

So an easy read, but very rewarding at the same time. The whole book centres around two characters, one a loveable gentle giant with restricted mental capacity, the other a career criminal who manipulates him for his own ends. Although the plot is a little predictable as you move through the book, and the ending is somewhat inevitable it doesn't spoil the overall enjoyment. The characters are brilliantly drawn, making you want to invest in them emotionally and the whole story achieves its aims in a quiet, understated way.

I would absolutely recommend this to any SK fans; well worthwhile.


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