Et puis quoi encore ! (2019)

Editeur: J'ai Lu (20 mars 2019)
Pages: 536 pages
Format: ePUB, PDF, Doc, TXT, MP3, KINDLE, FB2
Langue: Français
Descriptions de livres
Et si votre contrat de travail se transformait en… (mais on ne vous dira pas en quoi !)
"Une chose est sûre : un jour, je vais étrangler Aiden Graves. Mon mobile ? Pendant deux ans, j’ai été l’assistante multitâche de ce grossier personnage pour lequel je me pliais en quatre, sans jamais un bonjour ni un merci en retour ! Exigeant, entêté, vegan, et aussi aimable qu’une porte fermée — n’importe quelle fille l’aurait plaqué et c’est ce que j’ai fait (avec un pincement au cœur, j’avoue). Et cet ingrat n’a pas eu un mot pour me retenir… Alors, vous n’imaginerez pas une seconde ce qu’il est venu faire chez moi aujourd’hui. Et encore moins ce qu’il a en tête !…"
Une comédie en forme de joli coup de gueule qui rapproche avec sensibilité et humour une extravertie généreuse et un taciturne carrément craquant.


For readers who knows Mariana Zapata, then I said it all in the title. I mean, what best recommandation than comparing a romance to "Kulti"?
And don't worry it's absolutely not a repeat of "Kulti". Okay, it's another sport romance but the similarities end there. So really if you enjoyed "Kulti" as much as I did, don't hesitate to purchase this baby!

For readers who don't know Mariana Zapata yet, well I highly recommend her books. For me, she writes the best slow-burning realistic romance novels.
She allows us to see everything by describing all the little scenes "in between" the major events and, in my opinion, that's the best way of writing a romance. I am so tired of all these romance novels where people fall in love in exactly two seconds and then act all dramatic...I mean okay we are romantic and we try to escape our lives by reading something moving and hopeful but this doesn't work for me when it appears so unrealistic.
I find it much more interesting when an author exposes with sensitivity the differences between men's and women's minds, describes the little and precious day-to-day gestures and exchanges in a relashionship that are enough to make our heart flip and that are the reality of love.
Mariana's stories are delicate, deep and also funny (but in a subtle way).
Also there is only the heroine's point of view and it's a big pro for me because, again, I think it's far more powerful (you know nothing more than the heroine so you really can identify to her) and realistic (it always makes me cringe when female writers try the hero's point of view).

NB: Sorry for the errors, I am French and it's still difficult for me to write in english ^^


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