L'Incal (2022)

Editeur: Les Humanoïdes Associés (22 février 2017)
Pages: ‎ 317 pages
Format: ePUB, PDF, Doc, TXT, MP3, KINDLE, FB2
Langue: Français
Descriptions de livres
Les tribulations du minable détective John Difool, lancé à la recherche du précieux et convoité Incal. Le chef d'œuvre de Moebius et Jodorowsky. 1 VOLUME PARU -- HISTOIRES INDÉPENDANTES. Une œuvre violente, drôle, sexy, philosophique sublimée par le graphisme renversant de Mœbius. Dans un futur lointain, une autre galaxie ou un autre espace temps, l'Incal et l'immense pouvoir qu'il confère exacerbent toutes les convoitises. John Difool, minable détective de classe R adepte d'homéoputes et de bon ouisky se retrouve embarqué malgré lui dans cette course à l'Incal. Il aura affaire à des mouettes qui parlent, des extraterrestres idiots, un empire dictatorial ultra violent, des rats de 15 mètres commandés par une déesse nue, une bataille mémorable dans une fourmilière, une secte adepte des trous noirs, et enfin une bataille intersidérale entre le bien et le mal. L'ALBUM : Couleurs d'origine restaurées.


The prologue says it all: it is impossible, as an artist of any kind, not to want to steal from the Incal.

The Incal owes all its strengths and faults to two titans: Alejandro Jodorowsky and Jean "Moebius" Giraud. It is largely the result of years spent collaborating on an aborted adaptation of Dune which has become the stuff of legend, and I highly recommend the resulting documentary to anyone with even the most passing interest in the artistic process. Dune was a starting point for Jodorowsky, and he pulled in the best artists of his day and expanded on Frank Herbert's universe to the point where the original plot was but a distant memory. Free from the shackles of Dune and the financial limitations of a feature film, he later committed most of those ideas to paper with the Incal.

The Incal is many things to many people: it is a dizzying concentration of ideas, concepts and universes. It is perhaps the most visually unforgettable graphic novel you will ever lay your eyes upon. It is also, one must admit, a narrative mess. If you know Jodorowsky from his films, you will know he has more interest in theme and archetypes - and a very deep knowledge of world myth too - than in plot and character. While that may help differentiate the Incal from standard illustrated fare, it does make it hard, perhaps impossible to digest as a story, and its characters are mere cyphers, even if protagonist John Difool is a sometimes endearing one.

There is unparalleled vision, but also at times baffling lack of discipline or sense of pacing and characterization. You will either applaud or resent it, but you will not be able to deny its merits, all of which will introduce a new miracle into your life. One worth exploring further. Moebius!


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